시에라 마드레의 보물 (The Treasure of the Sierra Madre, 1948)
1925년, 멕시코의 탐피코. 자신이 산 복권이 당첨되었는지 확인을 한 사나이의 얼굴에 실망의 빛이 역력하다. 험프리 보가트는 '시에라 마드레의 보물'에서, 할리우드 영화사에서 가장 탐욕스럽
모든사람이 죽지는 않음 -> common streotype
Tragic Hero does some evil, horrible deed
-> consciously
->out of ignorance (ex. 죽였는데 다른 사람인거, 햄릿이 왕인줄 알고 여친아빠 죽임)
->mediates it (ex. 햄릿. pretends to be crazy. 햄릿이 여친아빠 죽여서 여친자살
햄릿 mediates her suicide)
The Tragic Error " Hamartia"
=big, fatal(deadly) mistake that creates tragedy
purge all the negative emotion inside
아리스토텔레스에 따르면
we should feel our luck(our life is so much better than hero's life)
+ relief ( good to know more than hero...)
A Good Plot/Tragedy has....
1) change: reversal of the state of things - the end is the exact opposite of the beginning
the hero pass from happiness to misery
2) self discovery : they slowly learn how they themselves
3) ignorance to knowledge
1. ignorance: they don't realize how they really are
2. knowledge: they created the problem themselves.
end -> they know the creator of the problem is me.
4) reveal: some secret is exposed to the audience or to characters in the story in the end
The fall of the hero: causes ...
Harmartia/ a tragic error
: hero's fatal decision -> destroy's hero/sth hero loves
The Tragic Flaw
:internal weakness in a character
-hubris 겸손없음 (신과 비교하기도..나는 비너스만큼 예뻐)
-too stubborn 바뀌기를 거부
-deluded 착각 속에 사는 사람
fate or the gods:
-fate : just bad luck
-the gods
the 7 deadly sin (judeo-Christian Ideology)
"commit one of 7 -> you will go to hell"
pride(hubris), greed(맥베스-왕이되고싶었음), envy(질투랑 다름. 다른사람이 잘되는게 싫은거임),
gluttony, sloth(=laziness. depression 너무 우울해서 암것도 못할때)(햄릿),
lust, wrath(오델로)
hero has these inside him or her
=>영화보고 이 중에 어디에 속하는지 생각해보자
what is tragedy? Christopher Booker: The 7 Basic Plots
tragedy is the story of a hero-villain (둘다인 것 mixture)
- similar to the monster in the monster plot
- hero has an inner evil or darkness
- hero's inner evil causes...
Booker's stages
1. anticipation
2. temptation ( call과 비슷)
3. dream
4. frustration
5. nightmare
6. death and destruction of the hero
7. a new world
A 24.13 - 20.87 B= 19.80 - 15.61 C 15.33 and below.
Film noir: Origin
fron French "black film"
femme-fatales : dangerous wemon
anti-heroes: tough cynical detectives
Neo Noir의 예시
pulp fiction
memonto -> final exam choose
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